So with a thousand other liquid speed style products out there...the peeps at Bawls definitely want to make sure your FAT ass is not running behind. This new energy drink is the official sponsors of the NBL for the 2007 season, and expect some new track records, because this shit works! So we have received a nice little package from our friends at Bawls Guarana. A box filled with a bunch Bawls Guarana energy drinks, regular and sugar free (not sure why we need a sugar free one...) and a couple dozen bouncing balls. Which always leads to new fun, especially when you are high strung of this Amazonian jungle juice.
For those who don't know much about Guarana, It is a shrub or small tree in the Sapindaceae family, native to Venezuela and northern Brazil. The seed of the Guaraná fruit is a central nervous system stimulant with thermogenic and diuretic properties (as found on a quick Wikipedia search).

So basically another great creation from Mother nature to keep our Bawls in check.

With all said, it actually tastes quite good and it seems to get me off my chair. As for the bouncing balls, there were a few other uses we found, besides hitting your neighbors on the head with them...but overall cool packaging and great presentation. I hope they hang there with all the competition around and maintain supporting BMX to the fullest...

Thanks FATBMX for making my eyebawls pop out of my skull and
Sabrina Gonzales (coincidentally related to Speedy Gonzales?) for trafficking this to my house.

A few useful links:
Bawls About:
Some idiots on YouTube tripping out on Bawls: Movie 1 Movie 2 Movie 3