Vince Perraud shot the cover of the new issue of BMX Rider magazine. Kriss Kyle gets the front plate of #9 of the German BMX mag and a full interview. But there's loads more. Here's a list of what you can expect to read on Wednesday, if you're on the subscription list, or if you can get yourself an issue from the newsstands or favourite bike shop.
-5 bike checks. 2014 models from Bulls, Stereo, wethepeople, Felt, Blank
-Texas Toast report straight from Austin, Texas.
-Shorttalks with
Thomas Untheim and Flatlander
Kevin Nekulski-Visited: The ZEG
-Last Call with
Axel Reichertz-Fav5 with
Matthias Dandois -ProBikeCheck with
Drew Bezanson