Mike Miller, Danny Hickerson and Lima kept it flowing with style while Mirra, Barbero, Harrington, Ross and Webb busted some killer tricks in the Saku Suurhall. Christoph Huber gets an interview which has a lot of oldschool footage. You can hit the subtitles button at the beginning if you don't speak German. The Red Bull Circle Of Balance flatland contest receives a fair share of issue 2 and after watching that I was getting into the video more and more. The FreedomBMX/Circle trip to Malaga, Spain has some good street riding at spots you normally don't hear about. The outtakes always have some funny shit so don't miss out on those.
Go to the CircleVM website to see how you can get your copy of the DVD. I heard they're selling them for cheap.
Watch the trailer by clicking the image below: