Bar ends: Fit.
Brake lever: Odyssey Mono.
Brake Cable: Snafu Dual.
Brake calliper: Demolition.
Brake pads: Demolition.
Chain: Shadow Conspiracy Half-Link.
Sprocket: Demolition 28t.
Cranks: Impurity.
BB set: Impurity.
Pedals: Fatality V2’s.

Seatpost: Impurity.
Seat: Impurity.
Front tire: KHE MAC 2.0.
Front rim: Alienation Stay Strong.
Front hub: Profile Elite Titanium Bolts.
Rear Rim: Alienation Stay Strong.
Rear tire: KHE MAC 2.0.
Rear hub: Profile Elite 9t Titanium Driver/Bolts.
Pegs: Bone Death when they're on.

How many tubes do you go through?
Jack Foley: I haven’t had a puncture since last summer, touch wood it stays that way!
What tire pressure do you run?
Jack Foley: 90 PSI back and a slightly lower 80 in the front for added bounce.

Jack Foley: Sometimes take my brakes off for trails etc.
What tools do you take riding?
Jack Foley: Allen-key set does the whole of my bike!
Thanks to?
Jack Foley: Now your asking… A massive thanks to Wong over at Impurity Bikes for the