Flatland riders have been considered strange individuals. They've got their own character, do things their own way and have passion. It was time for Alain Massabova to get their thoughts together in a book. He asked the top flatland riders to write down why they are practicing for hours every day to learn that one trick. The 188 page book is in French and English (translated either direction) and has tons of great photos.
The list of riders for this book includes:
Bobby Carter (USA),
Chase Gouin (Canada),
Effraim Catlow (UK),
Hiroya Morisaki (Japan),
Alex Jumelin (France),
Jesse Puente (USA),
Luis Elías (Costa Rica),
Marcelo Lima (Brazil),
Matthias Dandois (France),
Bram Verhallen (The Netherland),
Michiel Verberg (The Netherland),
Mike Steingraber (Germany),
Nathan Penonzek (World),
Scott O'Brien (USA),
Chad Johnston (USA),
Sean Lai (Singapore),
Simon O'Brien (Australia),
Erik Otto (USA),
Alexis Desolneux (France),