Today we received a copy of BMX Plus! magazine. It's the February 2015 issue so not the freshly new March 2015 mag that we're presenting today. I figure sending the magazine to The Netherlands from the USA simply takes a bit, especially when you have to deal with X-mas and New Year's in between. Let's go March 2015 already. Three of the fastest American BMX racers grace the cover. In the lead we have Alise Post (Redline), followed by Haro's Brooke Crain and GT's Felicia Stancil. If America can send three girls to the 2016 Olympics in Rio, it's probably going to be these ladies. The USABMX Grand Nationals took place in November and they're featured in the new mag. It's the biggest race on earth so expect some big coverage. Tom Dugan has a complete bike out over at FIT Bikes. BMX Plus! tests it. Not sure if they get naked in the process.
Even pro riders get scared for rails, and every rider has to go for
their first rail at some point. BMX Plus! collected some experiences. It's that time of the year again: Riders of The Year! Will they get a car this time? At the moment it's raining like crazy over here and sometimes you have to race in these conditions. The March issue has some quick wet weather tune up tips for you that will come in handy.
Anyway, worth the $4.99