Starting off with a 100 page full colour magazine deserves some credit. Session's premiere issue hit the market and it's full of BMX freestyle riding from all over the planet. Reports from Singapore (Metro jam), the X-Games, Germany (Rebel Jam), Braun Cruzer Tour (UK, Germany, France), the Dew Tour, The Netherlands (FAT-JAM),
Ryan Guettler's backyard ramp in Greenville, Suzuki BMX Masters in Cologne, Germany plus
Josh Hult's Backyard trails jam, Brawlin' at the Belmar and also the Bio Hazard trails shows that they did collect some material before slapping together the first issue.
Dave Mirra scores the cover with a turndown at his own warehouse.
Ryan Guettler took that photo.
Other riders who have a feature in issue 1 are: Def
Paul Bonner,
Cam White, Alistair Whitton, Elvis Stuppard and
Nate Berkheimer. As you can see, it's not your typical So-Cal book.