-US National Series. BMX racing in print!
Month after month a new issue of BMX Plus! magazine shows up. Let me repeat that, month after month. The October 2015 issue just came out and it's got a whole bunch of BMX stuff in it. Make sure to pick one up from your favourite BMX store if they carry it, or find it in the bookstore that knows they need to provide BMX to the masses. Not too many monthly options nowadays in the bicycle section at the newsstands. But a digital version is available also so you don't need to go to the book store and you can read the mag on your tablet, phone or computer. Maybe something for you?
BMX Plus! October 2015 content:
-The Belt Drive gets inspected. Is BMX ready for this?
-Remembering Scot Breithaupt. The legend died a few weeks ago.
-Sam Willoughby, Connor Fields and Joris Daudet on the cover
-Pro Contests, the future looks bright-How to do a 360 barspin. Can you truck it?
-US National Series. BMX racing in print!