Spokes: KHE
Rear hub: KHE Geisha light 36h 9T
Rear tire: KHE mac 1.5
Rear rim: Alienation
Seat: Macneil OG
Seat post: Macneil
Seat Post Clamp: FLATGROUND!
Crank: KHE Hindenburg 3pc TI with plastic proto BB’s
Chain: KHE hollowpin
Tensionners: KHE Dubz

Pedals: 88
Pegs: KHE Proto
Modifications: Soulcycle sticker modification (check the crossbar and type lul @ some translation website (dutch to English) hehe.

Practically everything ( at the moment I have 2 flatland bikes built + a street bike of KHE as well with nearly the same parts (but in street version)
What parts do you bring when you go on a trip for a weekend?

Is the way your bike looks important to you or do you want it to be dialled in the first place?
The bike should be perfect all the way. I feel like I’m ruining my time riding a shitty bike
Any special tips to make your brakes work better?
Throw them away! That works for sure!
How much does it weigh?
Not enough…… Dunno, can anyone sell me some lead?
More info: www.khebikes.com