Grips: Odi longneck
Lever: Odyssey medium
Brake: Fly bikes
Detangler (gyro): Snafu Mobeus
Front hub: Profile mini tangerine ti axle
Front tire: Khe mac 2
Front rim: Hazard
Rear hub: Profile mini, ti driver, ti axle
Rear tire: Khe mac 1.5
Rear rim: Hazard
Seat: Federal pivotal
Seat post: Macneil

Seat Post Clamp: Prism
Crank: Khe 2 piece hindenburg
Chain: Khe half link
Sprocket: Khe rotor
Pedals: Gusset bikes mag
Modifications: Cut axles, drilled out lever...
How many new frames do you get per year?
A few but not for any reason just because I like to make my bike feel fresh
Do you find it a pain in the ass to put a new bike together or do you enjoy it?
I love it!

Do you lace your own wheels?
No, Sam Ward the machine from Liverpool does mine!
Do your brakes have to work 100% or could you acutally care less?
It works 110%. If it doesn't I ride brakeless
Does Harry Main go brakeless anytime soon?
He does sometimes! Just not very often! I just see it as why not have a brake and not pull it? But then when you want to do tricks, like a whip fufanu, then you got yourself a brake! But I suppose brakeless does look a lot cleaner..