Props Megatour 4
Teams: Too-Hip-Bulldawg-LastCall for alcohol-Manmaid-wezhepeople-Pr1miumProducts
Loacation: The Sunshine State, all over the place, many places were hit including trails, street and concrete and wooden ramp parks.
Duration: Long enough to be worth your money. Plus loads of bonus footage. Chosen from 56 hours of videotapes.
It's nice to have places to go where it's warm enough to ride in the wintertime. Florida provided what the Megatour was looking for. The trip started off at the UGP/Sparky's headquarters in Orlando with a barbeque and some drunken Gonz antics. Find all this in the bonus section. It's listed as day 0.
With roughly 50 sponsored guys on the road for a good week, it was time to deliver. Some adapt quicker to new terrain than others but it looks like everyone made it work for themselves, even Jeff Harrington (his custom T-shirt claimed something different). With so many riders out there it's no surprise that there were some injuries. After watching the bonus crash part it's a surprise that there were still people riding at the end of the trip.
Now that we're talking bonus sections, we might as well inform you about the Manmade/2-Hip teams had to fight security to get out of one spot in one piece. The whole carnage was filmed and is nuts. Find out who the badasses are. Hit me bitch!
It's no surprise that the DVD flows from one section to the other. With experienced BMX filmers on board
who use great equipment, the quality is high. But still, without the riding there would be nothing to cover. For people who have not seen Tobias Wicke (Germany) ride yet, they'll be impressed. The wethepeople crew seemed to team up with the Premium riders a fair bit and hit most of the same spots. 2-Hip's Benno Hankovich from Austria showed to be a great tree climber and made ramps out of anything he could find laying around.
There's no need to list everyone's tricks, you simply need to watch the DVD. It's full of the latest street tricks by lots of newcomers. You can rely on Props Visual, Ltd.
[url=] Watch the Props MegaTour 4 trailer by clicking this link[/url]