-Forks: Snafu Street light
-Seat: Primo pivital
-Seatpost: Macneil but I turned it into a wedge bolt kit with parts from an old skool stem
-Seatclamp: No seat clamp, I cut that off too.
-Cranks:Snafu Mayweather cranks

-Pedals: Odyssey Clear plastic
-Sprocket: Snafu Ultralight Sprocket
-Chain: Shadow Half link
-Bars: Snafu JRI Bars Tall version
-Barends: Odyssey Plastics
-Stem: Snafu
-Grips: ODI

-Brakes: Fly
-Front: KHE Street folding Big one
-Rear:KHE Street folding Small one

-Front:Odyssey Hazard Lite with Profile mini hubs
-Rear:Odyssey Hazard Lite with Profile mini cassette
-Pegs: Tree on and off when I get bored
-Hub Guards: None