It was a surprise to me to find out there is a full colour BMX magazine from Spain. I normally know what's out there but this time I did not know what to think and had no clue who was behind the publication. The other day I received a mail from BMX A Tope! and today I got two copies in the mail. Issue 8, and issue 9. The October issue (#8) is all about the BMX race at the 2008 Olympics in Beijing, photos and all. I wouldn't say the paper quality, photos and layout are top notch but issue 9 showed where they're coming from. BMX A Tope! used to be a 'zine (issue 1-7 were xeroxed 'zines) so the full size full colour magazines (issue 8 and 9) must have felt very special for the editors and everyone on the BMX scene in Spain. I like the effort that goes into these projects and you must have a BMX heart to pull this off. It's fair to say that BMX A TOPE! is focusing on BMX racing first but it also has a "Zona Free" which includes Freestyle contest reports. I'm not sure
Sergej Geier knows he's got
a double page spread in issue 9 for instance. He can try to get himself a copy by using his best Spanish (or English) and contact them through At 4 Euros per copy it's affordable too. Give it a shot.