We all took some pictures and then watched the much anticipated video. As a side note, Ian had told me earlier in the evening that the video has been in the works since the birth of the company, about 4 years in the making, and judging by the quality of riding in the video, I’d say that it definitely shows how much they all put in for it. Here is a little overview of what you can expect to see.
Prior to the video premiere, I had really only heard of Jake Seeley but never really had the chance to witness his riding. I was very much impressed with his part and am definitely looking forward to seeing more from him. His part was absolutely mind boggling with some of the most complex lines and combos ever. You truly have to see his part just to even make sense of the crazy hard stuff he does. After that, you’ll be left trying to figure out how some of his lines are even possible

Lee Dennis is a super cool guy from just over the border in Canada. I don’t really know him too well, but I can tell you that he definitely has skill on a bike. Lee somehow made use of a Giant Baseball, which is pretty interesting. Everyone can count on seeing Lee around a lot more. His part is sure to turn some heads.
Wow! Alex Magallan is a name to certainly look out for. Alex is another one of those guys that I really never had the chance to experience. I can tell you with full confidence that everyone will be left speechless after seeing his mach Jesus fast riding. He is fearless and his part is one where you have to play it over and over because there’s so much craziness. This kid has skill, and that is a fact.
Joe Cox is just one of those dudes who kills it and makes it all look good at the same time. He did some pretty amazing things on his bike which left my jaw on the ground and everyone in the place going nuts. Some of the things he did seem unreal, and to think he did all those super hard tricks and lines, while maintaining a clean and enjoyable style leaves me speechless.
Eric Lichtenberger is a shredder. No doubt about that. His part set the mood and bar for much of the riding to follow. His part consisted of lots of smooth California style with an overall good vibe. He proves the theory that white men can’t jump completely wrong when he annihilates some pretty high rail hops. Eric has some of the most precise riding I have ever seen. He consistently does huge double tire rides on rails like it’s nothing. He’s definitely a rider to look out for and his part is certainly an impressive one.
First things first, Mike Taylor is a beast! His part is… Oh my God! It’s that good. I can’t even explain the size of the cajones this guy must have to do some of the things he does. I’m pretty sure he set a Guinness World Record too! You’ll have to see the video to witness the record breaking madman.
I’m sure that there are scores of people anticipating Aaron Ross’ part. He’s just one of those riders where you want to see what he’s going to do next, and his riding in this video will certainly keep those already tuned in, to stay tuned in. I can’t even explain his riding. Basically, every trick is a banger. He does a lot of fakie combos that are really interesting and impressive (and super hard!). Aaron, like Mike, I believe set another world record…involving a fakie line…you have to see it! His part is banger after banger and following typical Aaron Ross protocol, a must see.
Kurt Rasmusson’s style is nice and fluid. All I can really say about Kurt is that he definitely went to work, and it shows. He did something that is almost unspeakable near the end of his part that left the entire place going nuts! His part will certainly stand out.
I, again, don’t know Stephen Savage too well but I, and many other people, after tonight, are looking forward to seeing more from him. He has a really clean riding style and is pretty creative like the rest of the team. He will surely impress a lot of people. Ian Schwartz is a really nice and laid back dude and his riding definitely shows his personality. His part had a really good, laid-back vibe. Ian’s part took the longest to film and it certainly shows with the level of amazing riding. Ian rides obstacles that nobody else would even touch. Stuff that is so not ridable, and then he makes it look smooth. Ian’s wild double section was just one unbelievable trick after another.
As a whole, I think that the Sunday! Video will be one of the best, if not the best, to come out this year. The team is made up of really talented riders who all have distinct riding styles and personalities. They all complement each other and that, in the end, made for a great video, a video that deserves a spot in everybody’s collection.
A conversation between Kelly Reddington, Jake Seeley, Jim Cielencki, Alex Magallan, and Ian Schwartz
The following conversation was held prior to the Sunday! World Premiere of their video “Up, Up and Away!” It contains a Gene Simmons sighting, Buffalo weather, and human abduction. Enjoy.
Kelly: What do you think was the hardest part of filming for this video? Injuries? Deadlines?
Jake: I don’t think anybody… ah, Eric got hurt. Eric: I got hurt, yeah.
(Music from Soundlab starts getting loud, so we all head outside where it’s kinda windy. We all just talk about all the street riding in Buffalo, each other’s home towns and just random stuff)
Kelly: Who on the team is the biggest ladies man?
Jake: Alex
Kelly: Wildest one?
Everyone: We all let loose!
Kelly: Favorite Travel Destination?
Jake: Austin
Eric: ha, yeah, where I got hurt! (Everybody seems to be pretty down for Austin, the BMX mecca)
Kelly: Who do you think put in the most work for their part? (Everybody looks at Ian)
Ian: if you want to talk about time…
Other guys: Yeah you definitely spent a lot of time.
Ian: Yeah, it took the longest. (Jake’s Gene Simmons Sighting!)
Jake: Uhhh, was flyin’ in to LAX airport, pretty hungry, so I went into this bagel shop got a bagel and I look over my shoulder and I see Gene Simmons there, and I’m pretty star struck, haha, I won’t lie, and, uh, I kinda stuttered my way up to him and be like ‘ah, hey, you Gene Simmons?’ “Well, yes I am!” and uh, ‘You think I can get a photo with you?’ and I got a photo with him and that was about it. And then all these little girls came up running after him, from the Family Jewels or whatever, yeah, so that was my Gene Simmons story, pretty short but..
Jim: Still pretty funny.
Kelly to Jim: How was the filming process for you? Trying to get everything organized and getting it going?
Jim: Umm, It’s an interesting learning experience. I guess that’s like, the way the title of the video is “Up, Up and Away!”-there’s always more to learn and more to do, and now I’ve learned how… I’ve done it once, not to say that I’ve learned it but I’ve done it once now, and so now I’m like, ‘okay, I have an idea how to…
Kelly: So it kinda went smoother?
Jim: It took time. I think we had like two false starts. And then, you know, last January, after Barcelona kicked in, we were like, ‘alright’ you know, a bunch of guys went to the Southwest during the winter, Mexico, and then just kind of random filming through the summer and then the UK kind of finished it off from September till now.
Kelly: How was Mexico? Anybody get nearly abducted?
Jim: haha, nah, nah! We were in the Silicon Valley of Mexico.
Kelly: ah, nice!
Jim: We were in a good spot, actually, it was Guadalajara and it was pretty nice.
Kelly: ah, yeah, Guadalajara’s nice! (Jim then talks about an American refugee in Mexico)
Jim: I sent a text to everyone and I said, ‘Hey, you know, just bring something warm cuz, you know, at night, it gets pretty cold here. (Eric starts laughing) Eric shows up in a tank top (everybody laughs- tanktops aren’t proper attire for Buffalo)
Kelly: Alex is shivering back there, can’t even talk (bunch of random giggling and talking)
After this conversation, a few of us headed over to the Pearl Street grill to grab a bite to eat before the premiere.