Had no clue who the guy on the cover was or where the shots was taken. Osato gets the cover of the November issue doing a nosepick at the Little Devil warehouse in PA. Sergio Layos gets the contents page, always good for a full colour picture.
Castillo makes Pizza and the Shadow crew has finally come to rest. What's NKE6.com's deal anyway? Letters, yeah, pretty stupid ones. Up Front always has some good stuff.
TJ on MTV and
Hoffman in ESPN magazine,
Steve Crandall hanging out with P-diddy. Mainstream or what? Kill the camera thieves. Rockledge, PA. What?! exactly. Downs explains.
Danny Hickerson is answering your look in the face tailwhip questions in Pro Q & A. Did he say where the button is on his bike to spin it around?
Reviews; sure, they get some swag over there at RIDE too. Burnside, been there, done that. It was early too.
Wilkerson then and now, the perfect guy to answer those questions. Products: Adio shoes, Volume Frame, Premium Sprocket, SNAFU grips, Oakley glasses and
Demolition pedals. Oh, there's a Kink belt too. Kris "I love FISE" Bennett's bike gets checked in SetUps. Got cranks!? 14 of them they have on page 54. Product tests: Premium Wheel: Rating 8.0, S&M Redneck XLT: Rating 9.0. Bike test: DK 6 pack. The PRO portfolio article is quite nice. Good shots by riders (Lino G, Sandy C, Brian C., Sergio L, Dave F. and Joe Rich). 20 pages later we arrive at the Gravity Games pictorial report. Jeff Z. learns you a lesson. Multi Strobe pictorial. The LD warehouse gets visited and they interview Derek Adams about it. Focus, did I tell you to Fock us!? Eric Cuiper (Kuiper?) gets the bio in this issue. Nasty gets the pull-out poster and shares it with Mike Aitken. Another Bio: Cory Jarman, and then Guettler does a wallride to flair in End Point. Oh shit, that was it. More next month.