BMX Business News is your complete source for news and information on the BMX market. We haven't received it for a while but we picked up the two latest issues at the Interbike show in Las Vegas. The trade mag is published by Transworld Magazine Corporation that also brings out a Surf/Skate/Snow version that we happen to receive. The September 05 issue of BNN has got the following features: The date of Interbike, HB Performance Systems Inc. (not Hoffman Bikes) acquires Sun Ringle, Interbike Q&A, Effective purchasing, Interbike Sneak Preview and the Exposure meter. The articles that keep coming back for more are: Guest Editorial (by Maddog Moeller), One Company-One Question (this time with Bombshell/Avent), Shop Scope (Off Road Peddler - Houston), BMX Trends (what's selling in the shops?) and the Dealer Directory (a useful list of BMX related companies). If this sounds like something you'd like to receive in the future, use your business card and your signature requesting the publication.
Subscriptions are free in the U.S.. Foreign subscriptions are $25,= per year, payable with an international money order in U.S. Funds. Fax: 1.760.722.0653.