Getting a photo in a magazine is always a big deal. If it's in print, it's forever. Many riders remember their first photo they had in one of the many BMX publications. Daniel Wedemeijer and Martijn Jaspers are trying hard to get their hands on a copy of the January 2014 BMX PLUS! issue as Daniel has a photo from Mexico in it and Martijn gets a full page! Congrats on that to both Dutch riders. But of course there's much more than these two important pics. Here's what you can find inside:
-2014 Dirt/Freestyle Buyers Guide (over 260 frames & bikes)
Arielle Martin calls it quits
-UCI Supercross Finals, Chula Vista
-Vans Kill The Line, Peynier, France
-BMX Cuerna Style, Mexico
-SE Gaudium Test