When you are traveling and not sleeping in your own bed, you have to take a few seconds when you wake up to see where you landed that night. When I woke up in the ABA camper in the double bed I was like, holy cow! It made me laugh, because I couldn’t believe this had just happened. Paul was sleeping on the couch and was waking up as well. It was 07:30am but we needed to get out of there before the ABA people had to get to work and use the RV as a home base. We shut the door, said hi to the Monster man across the street and walked towards our trusty car that was standing in the parking lot all by itself.

We had no plans for the day. Our plane was leaving at 16:30pm from San Diego International airport. We opted for Mission Beach as we both have spent some time there. We parked the car near the rollercoaster and walked over to the ocean. It was cloudy but still people were surfing. Wait a minute, is that a dolfin? Holy smokes, 5 dolphins were swimming w

ith the surfers. I ran back to the car to grab my camera and started shooting. I didn’t even check the settings so the first couple of pics were too bright, but Paul managed to take a pic of a dolphin jumping out of the water. It was amazing. We grabbed some breakfast at the nearby restaurant. Big mistake. Worst service and the worst breakfast burrito ever. Oh well.

Paul checked if Henry’s East County BMX shop was open on Sunday. It was, so we decided to go to Santee to check it out. But on our way down I realized that they’ve got swapmeets at the San Diego Sports Arena. We decided to stop there for a quick visit. It was a big one and they had all kinds of used stuff. Paul scored a sweet “high Roller” leather jacket which was a perfect fit for Las Vegas. He paid the “advertised retail price” of $ 15,= and added a bandana to the basket. He was set for the planned HD trip later that week. We s

till had a few hours left at this point so we continued our drive to East County BMX. On arrival we found a note on the door that it was closed that day. Damn. We drove over to Mission Trails to check where the jumps used to be. Good memories there. They’re gone, like completely, and the bushes are growing well.
We decided to cruise back to MB. The San Diego Chargers were playing and the tailgate parties were going strong. American football doesn’t mean anything to me but I could see there are a lot of people into it in the USA. We parked the car at El Carmel. I put on some boardshorts and ran for the ocean. I ran out of the water just as quick, but I had to dive in there at least once. Damn it was cold. We dr

opped off the car, took the bus to the commuter terminal and checked in for our flight to LA, and then Las Vegas. We were gladly surprised that we didn’t have to pay for our bags. Things are getting crazy with luggage but we got out of it here. Sweet. The 20 minute flight to LA was easy. Then it was off to Vegas where we were going to meet Andy Zeiss at the belt. Paul had decided to go incognito as the “High Roller” to mess with Andy. If you’re walking around at Las Vegas airport with a bandana, sunglasses, a hat and an over the top “High Roller” jacket, you are asking for reactions from the people there. Andy didn’t recognize Paul even when he walked past, so good.
It was off to the Mardi Gras hotel, our place for the next 6 nights. Vegas baby.