Beside having a lot work on our hands holding the Simpel Session contests, we have been keeping ourselves busy with a dream-size project that, we truly believe, will be greeted with both hands by not only the local action sports scenes around the Baltic States, but around this side of Europe as well. We are developing a new BMX-MTB-SKATE center in Tallinn, one that consists of a big 2050 m2 indoor skatepark, MTB and BMX indoor tracks and different training facilities, as well as a full-size UCI compatible outdoor BMX track and the first outdoor concrete bowl (400 m2) in the country.

The facility will also include a restaurant, camping sites, parking lots, capacity for large events and training camps. A sort of mini-Woodward, if we may say so.

The center will not only be the first and only this kind of facility in the Baltic States, but also in the other neighboring areas of Scandinavia and Russia. It will be located in the outskirts of Tallinn, in Peetri küla district – just a few minutes drive from Tallinn, right next to the Tallinn-Tartu highway.

We are also happy to have some of the best professionals one could ask for working on the project: the world-acclaimed skatepark designer
Nate Wessel, the highly experienced concrete park builder
Ralf Maier, and
Tom Ritzenthaler, the BMX racing consultant and track master from UCI.
If all goes well by plan, then we should be opening the center sometime in 2012.
Mario & Risto Kalmre Elamussport
Simpel Session