A little bummed on the dirt spot, the crew all agreed on hitting the river for a little relax time and break from the heat. A few of the crew enjoyed the leap off the bridge at the river.

Once in Salem, we met up with the locals at the Salem skatepark, the park had some weird transitions but we managed

Went to the legendary salem trails, only to hear that the spot hasn't had a decent session in years.
We then followed our Salem tour guide Gonsalo Morales, to the local bike shop where he works at, to scope it out.
Santiam bikes is a sweet shop. They have a pretty good variety of everything.

After everyone got what they needed to done, we were all eager to get to Portland, so we ventured on... Destination Skylar Occisor's pad. Showed up, di

Battle Ground ended our day out, it was back to Skylars for some R&R.

But plenty of good stuff went down, just have to wait for the full video...
Dan took us by Goodsbmx, wich to those unaware, its Shad Johnsons bmx only bike shop. Shad was really chill, and giving us more spots to ride. If you go through Portland, stop by Goodsbmx!
After the long day of pedaling around the city and shredding up spots, we decided to sneak one last stop into the day.We've heard some sketchy things about Peir park and the neighborhood, but we had no problems with locals, and had a good session there!
Thursday morning, exactly what I've been itching to ride. We woke up early, and headed over to Burnside! If you haven't heard of this place, wake up! And do it early!! Once it gets a lil crowded the bike hate begins. Well worth early mission! So much fun!After the Burnside session we stopped by this metal structure wall ride that looks cool, but we didn't spend much time there knowing that Tigard was the next spot!
Once we showed up to Tigard, although many of us were kinda beat up, we had to ride! It was too much fun! Hips, quarters, spines, boxes, even a corner pocket and it was all super smooth.
Kenny Kekow cornered it up in this one.
After the sick Tigard session, the next spot would be the Lumber Yard. One of the coolest places ive ever been to. It doesn't have the craziest go big kinda ramps, but its super fun to flow, and pump around.
Lumber Yard is a super chill spot, all ages can have fun here. Even saw some parents pumping around the roller and berm sections. Not to forget the full bar with food.. Had the feel of a bowling alley type fun spot, only theres ramps to get rad on.
The Lumber Yard was the last session for a few of us on the trip, that were all beat up from riding and filming everyday.
All in all the trip was Great! I had a blast riding with everyone, cracking jokes, chilling, and even seeing the different sights from the forrest, to the river, to the city life. Oregon has it all. Big thanks to Luke Otten (owner of Zorg Bike Co), Chase Mcalvain (well his parents for letting us use the cabin), Gonsalo Morales (Salem Tour Guide), Dan Vandygriff (Portland Tour guide), Shad Johnson(Goodsbmx Owner), and Skylar Occisor (Thanks for letting us crash homie!). Oh ya, and the drive home had fires, lighting, and rainbows. Some pretty cool sights.
-Nick Noble