Contrary to public knowledge Morocco boosts a substantial Skate and BMX culture growing bigger and bigger each year. The major cities have seen a growth of 200% of riders over just one year and several crews have been founded, such as Pipe Life BMX or Atlas Skateboarding. Further is teaming up with these two crews to not only build a skatepark in a now empty lot in the city center of Casablanca, but will also offer workshops to teach the locals how to build and maintain their park.
Having been provided with a location by the government but no
funding to build a park, the local Skaters and BMX riders are currently facing the same problems Europeans dealt with 20 years ago.

Luckily the mentality towards extreme sports changed in Europe with many skateparks having been build and the sports pushed. To encourage this process of change in Morocco as well - to help the sports grow and to bring together riders from different nationalities - Further will provide a team of skatepark builders to work together with the locals to set up a skatepark.

The main purpose of the project is to help push the sports within the country, provide facility for the locals and to encourage a dialogue between European and Moroccan riders. To inaugurated the new park a Skateboard and BMX pro & amateur contest will be held. Besides the contest, the walls surrounding the location will be decorated with street art in workshops given by artist belonging to the team together with a local Moroccan artist.
The skatepark and metal, ridable BMX and easily maintanable last. The newly built skatepark inaugurated by a skate and BMX contest for amateurs and international pros, followed by a prize-giving and an after show party. An event village will be set up as well to allow partners to exhibit and will be a mix of wood for both skate and as so to will be sell.
Get involved in the charity project by
visiting the Indigogo page.