We had a couple Barcelona first timers in the squad. Julian Arteaga, Jared Duncan, David Pendleton and some homies from Murrieta. You know you have to pull up to Forum (Luh4ren from Black Kray starts playing). Found that smiley on the white curbs.
On the right we have LA based photographer Chris Eiland being proud on his inside out spliff (learned from the dutch) next to his signature FVR tee shirt.
In the end of January I went to Barcelona for a month again. Yearly winter escape because
of the shitty weather all the time in Hollandia. This time a lot of different squads from
different countries pulled up in the same period. At the time parallel was packed with
over 50 riders in the night. Only a few were riding. And it was not a jam.For FVR I bought myself a kodak throwaway cam out there. It had 30 flicks. A couple fucked
up but I’m still happy with the result. 3 days in a row I uploaded the gallery. [UNO / DOS /