Did you ever go to school to be a mechanic?
Andrew: I learned on my own at the school of bloody knuckles! Read books, took stuff apart, put it back together and just went from there.

Andrew: I guess Jessie James, well his style, but I dunno. I just do what's fun for me.
Who do you admire?
Andrew: Anybody that follows their dream wherever it may take them... I know mine has led me on a wild ride haha.

Andrew: I'm doing work in a couple shops right now. But mostly my garage. We are working on a shop at the moment.
What tools are your favourite to work with?
Andrew: Anything loud that cuts burns and destroys metal!

Andrew: I'd really like to get my hands on old world war era machine shop tools!
What's custom on your BMX bike?
Andrew: The serial number: 666fuk haha

Andrew: S&M, FIT, GOODS BMX, any company that's rider owned.
What are your current projects you're working on?

Andrew: Well.. got a 300ZX twin turbo in the garage that got wrecked, and we are stripping it down to nothing and building a new one out of a non turbo car, which is a lot harder than it seems lol. Everything including wiring harnesses, computers, suspension dashboard etc. has to get swapped. Also got a Caddy Coupe Deville in the works that I'm redoing the hydraulics, and putting a 350 Chevy in. A '54 GMC school bus going on a Chevy Duelly frame with airbags, custom interior and front sheetmetal. Gunna be a wild bus!

Andrew: Not sure about that at this time, haha.
Any last words/shout outs/thank you's?
Andrew: Yeah, big thanks to all the guys at S&M bikes, Chris Moeller, Dylan Ambrose, and Steven