What made you decide to buy a new MX bike?
Stefan: My old one had over 100 hours on the back, and tried the new bikes from friends and they just got a much better engine, things change every year and mine was 3 years old.

Stefan: Actually a stock bike you can get today is so close to a factory bike that you don't need to make big changes. All the changes I made is more to have a better looking ride :-)
Do you like working on your MX bike?
Stefan: I like to work on it but I prefer to ride it still..haha
When something in the engine is wrong, where do you go?
Stefan: My friend Joe works at Ducati and is good at engines. He usually helps me out and wants to support me a bit for this season.
How long does it take before you're all packed and ready for a motocross session?

Stefan: Way too long compared to how long it takes to prepare for a bmx session (0 time)...:-) but once you're on the track ready to go and hit the first corner or jump, it pays off...hehe
How much work is it afterwards?
Stefan: Depends on how muddy the track is. If it's dry, you don't even need to wash ur bike, if it's very muddy it's a lot of work to clean bike, boots and gear...
If you crash, what are the chances that the damage is more than the cost of a decent complete BMX bike?
Stefan: crashes usually never cost that much, it also depends how big the crash is and how packed the track is. If you crash in the sand sometimes nothing happens, more money goes if you break the engine, that would be easy 2 completes....

Stefan: Alpinestars helps me out with some gear, Bell gives me a discount on helmets, Fakieshop pays for my stickers and hopefully a bit more this year, Smith gives me the goggles and Joe helps me to work on the bike.
You haven't tried the Nike MX boots yet?
Stefan: aaaaaah!!! I was trying so hard to get a pair but no luck yet, maybe this can help to get me a pair... :-)
Thanks to: my dad, my uncle Norbert (over 50 years old and still shreds), my friend Joe and all the other friends on the track for the good times, Alex from Fakieshop, Franz from Smith, Horton from Bell, everybody from Alpinestars.
Pics by Pol Molina