Next, it’s some shop talk with Tom, Matt, Jason and Murph on the making of the the Mad Dog 990 frames, followed by a trip to the anodizer to watch some sprockets gets dipped… among them, UK Shredder Nathan Goring’s new signature GoRing sprocket. Nathan is at Swampfest this weekend and then off on a little USA excursion so more from him soon!
Finally, as promised – we have Rambler Seat winners! Thanks so much to everyone who entered – your raffle tickets raised some fundage for Nathan “Meanhorse” Saunders to hop an air bus from NZ to Austin in a few weeks and will put some gas in the tank for the Halahan Bros to hit the highway for the next month too. Make sure you’re following those dudes so you know if they are in your neck of the woods!
Until next time amigos! Also... if you're still getting the hang of our new e-store - here's the link: It's a work in progress so bear with us (and also hit us up if you want to dial in our site - we pay in seats. ; )
Edited by: @Brant_Moore