Actually, we don't have a booth. We just had an Open House at our USA distributor System Cycle Supply in August. We are always at the System Booth, and this year, The System Cycle Symposium was where we had our booth. It was super low key and a nice change of pace. But I will be there walking around with Mcgoo. Keep your eyes peeled for the man with the big beard and say Hi.
Why in the BMX zone?
I'll be hanging around the BMX zone area.
In general, what are the tough things to battle when developing new products?
Everybody has done everything, so it's hard. We just are trying to have a simple straight forward line and we are excited to be making most of our big ticket items in the USA.
Do you fancy going to Taiwan to follow up on the development

I have not been to Taiwan and am glad I have not had to go. I have other people helping out with the overseas stuff, and negotiating the pricing.
Who are some of the riders that give good feedback on the products that make your life easier?
Team dudes, and my Cad guy.
Do you have secret product testers out there or do the team riders take care of that?
No big secrets. I just have my team guys test stuff and then go over the stuff with them and my Cad guy also to make sure stuff ain't gonna blow up.
Big tires, big bars, slammed seats, small gearing and lightweight. What's next?
The return of the Z rim!
How hard is it to come up with a colour for your products?
Not super hard. We have been keeping our new stuff to a minimum. My art guys East helps a lot but lately since everyones doing so many colors, so we are just offering a few colors. Black, raw and chrome is what we've been doing lately. Kids can paint the stuff if they want to.

Not really worried yet.
How important is pricepoint for your products?
It is important. We are doing a lot more stuff in the USA which is more expensive, but we have been happy with our results and the convienence of easy communication and lead times.
Can you explain how hard it is to put an original idea into a final product?
Really hard. Sometimes you go through the Cad and prototype phase and then totally scrap it after messin' with it for a year. But it is fulfilling to have a final product come to life.

Flyin Lion Frame and our 2 new Beach cruisers!
What's the worst design in BMX at the moment?
Scooter frames
What do you think is a clever product?
The new Alienation pivotal seat
Why do people need to look into your brand?
Cool team, Fun vibe, USA made products, great group of talented people who live BMX that are involved with Failure.