Sometimes you realize why people go to sports events when they can see it live on tv or see the recap of the game only a few moments later including replays. You can grab a beer from the fridge that only costs 20% of what you would have paid at the game, the temperature is good, there's a roof over your head and you don't have anything to worry about. And still people go to the stadium. And for a reason. Live events are the best. You experience the moment firsthand, hear the noise and live the moment. The miniramp contest at the FISE was one to remember. It will go in the history books of some tricks pulled for the first time, some riders riding the ramp for the first time in their life and a crowd so big it made you feel you were watching a football game.
Chris Mahoney went off in the finals. He was doing tricks back to back and didn't hold back.
Ben Hennon's first boost over the spine (no-handed) scared people as they hoped he would land back on planet earth in one piece. So high.
Daniel Dhers is a trick machine. It was his first time on the Braun spine and he did an amazing job. Watch the movie to see the tricks he pulled.

Ben Wallace and
Mark Webb have this ramp down. That 7 feet high spine is pretty scary if you only look at it and that sub box is one that deserves some balls when you want to do tricks on it. Ben double downside whipped and double tailwhipped the ramp in the finals and showed his versatility with little tech moves, high smooth airs and opposite tricks. To understand his riding, you had to be there and get the feeling.
Mark Webb seems to make up tricks as he goes. He looks so unconcentrated that it's hard to understand how in the hell he pulls all these crazy moves. Flair 540 tiretap to tailwhip in and his first ever pulled 900 flatspin are only two tricks he did to win the first round of the Braun cruzer tour.

There are two more rounds coming up and it looks like they will once again be sessions that you don't want to miss. Do you want to watch them from behind your computer or are you going to make the trip down to the event? We recommend the latter, you gotta be there. Make it happen.
2) Ben Wallace
3) Daniel Dhers
4) Ben Hennon
5) Chris Mahoney
Three movies for you. Hit the images and they'll start.
Daniel Dhers:
Ben Wallace:
Mark Webb:
Ben Hennon:
Chris Mahoney: