With covering street riding and flatland at the 25 years of BMX event in Eindhoven earlier this month, the Mini-FAT-JAM (little brother of..) had miniramp riding and dirt jumping in mind. On Saturday the PA was installed at the rather new miniramp at the Bosscheweg in Aarle-Rixtel. With a bunch of banners, flags and EZ-Up tents set up, it actually looked quite good. The weather cooperated with sunshine all day long and that was exactly what we needed to open the BMX outdoor season. From 13:30 - 17:30 the ramp was used non-stop. Highlights on the mini were brought by Ricardo Moes, Dennis Keunen and Daniel. Let's start off with Daniel. The name had been circulating on the Dutch scene as "The New Barry". We don't have many talent in Holland so "another Barry Kohne" is always welcome. Daniel has the flow and pulled the first fufanu on the fence and made it look so easy. He also pulled tailwhips, high airs and tech liptricks on his pegless bike.
To be honest, we had not ridden dirt at the Sugar Hills all winter. With some shaping (and no time to test) during the week, we were hoping that things would work out for the mini-FAT-JAM. It's a good motivation to fix the trails up as you are inviting people to come ride and they're expecting something rideable when they show up.