-Website: Streetcredbmx.com
-Food: I like to taste everything
-Person on Instagram: streetcredbmx
-Travel destination: Many
-Riders to ride with: Loco Crew.
-Car: 911
-Movie: Lone Survivor, The Town, The Kingdom
-Colour: Yellow
-Shoes: Osiris
-Bike company: Animal Bikes
-BMX contest: I don't really love contests
-Bike shop: Frontocean
-Clothing company: Altamont, Wit Apparel
-Phone: Iphone
-Music: Redman
-Ramp rider: Matt Roe
-Street rider: Chase Dehart, Edwin, Hoder
-Dirt rider: Chris Fox, Hawk
-Old school rider: Is Aitken an old school rider?
-Drink: Red Bull
-Trick: Every ledge trick
-BMX Magazine: Dig
-Video game: COD
-BMX photographer: Vince Perraud
-BMX Filmer: My mate Daniele de Piccoli of course!
-Girl: a smart one.
-Sport besides BMX: Climbing, mountaineering
-Party: Fuck it!