Name: COULOMB Joris Age: 19
Hometown: Strasbourg, France
Sponsors: Nike 6.0, ProperBikeCo.
The favorite list: -Spot to ride: Barcelona, Strasbourg, Florida
-BMX video: Writing on the wall, Levi's, United, Brighton ain't ready...
-Website: Thecomeup, FATBMX, Databmx, ProperBikeCo.
-Web video: Deadlinebmx
-Food: Sushi, french cheese
-Riders to ride with: Strasbourg locals, Simone Barraco and Stefan Lantschner, Badet from BAGNOLS!
-Car: Cadillac escalade, MUSCLE CARS
-Movie: Happy Gilmore, Napoleon Dynamite, dumb and dumber!
-BMX contest: Simpel Session