Name: Tomas Kudrnac
Age: 25
Hometown: Jicin, Czech Republic
Hook-ups/Sponsors: Dirty Parks, Vans CZ&SK
The favorite list:
-Spot to ride: Catty & Posh trails
-BMX video: Building The Underground
-Web video: GJ, Welcome Back To Jefferson State
-Food: Gulash
-Twitter to follow: No twitter
-Person on Instagram: Credence_bikes
-Travel destination: Austin, TX
Name: Cory Berglar
Age: 27
Hometown: Jackson, NJ. USA
Hook-ups/Sponsors: Hyperbikes, Snafubmx, Delblifestyle, SC Action Sports
The favorite list:
-Spot to ride: The Inclineclub, and Woodward lot 8
-BMX video: That's a tough one, there's so many good BMX videos out there. All the Props videos are sick, and kickin' it old
Name: Joel Bondu
Age: 19
Hometown: Montreal, Canada
Hook-ups/Sponsors: totalbmx, prime time, Marseil bike shop
The favorite list:
-Spot to ride: Taz
-Web video: l'll have a couple of new videos coming, stay tuned.
-Food: Poutine
-BMX contest: Toronto jam, Fise.
-Person on Instagram: joelbondu
-Travel destination: Probably Simple Session and Fise and other if l can
-Car: If it rolls, it's good
-Colour: Green
-Shoes: l ride old shoes that l stitch back up because l have no help for the moment
-Bike shop: Marseil