sites. List of sites will be announced soon. is one of them.
The FIRST person to post the full list of exact urls or links where the eggs are found will win the complete bike. All submissions must be posted on the official Alienation Facebook wall here. Again, the first person to post all the hidden egg links on our Facebook wall will win the bike.
What the Egg? This is only a sample and does not count! The eggs will look like this but in various colors.
Hunting Times: Get your baskets ready. The Alienation Easter Egg Hunt will begin Friday the 22nd and will be announced in the news. Watch for it. The hunt will end as soon as the first person posts all the hidden egg links on our Facebook wall.
Hunting Grounds: The following BMX community sites are where the Easter Bunny hid the eggs. Get hunting! ( List will be announced Friday, April 22nd. Come back to this page and watch for the update )
Hint: Pin Up!