Mike took the first step towards recovery, starting 18 weeks of intense chemotherapy.
Currently, Mike Tag is in the ICU in an Ithaca, N.Y. hospital, recovering from complications which included fluid around his heart. Tag hopes to return home as soon as possible and continue treatment. But he needs our help.
Mike has no health insurance and cannot work while undergoing chemotherapy.
Tag, as many of us have come to know him throughout the years, has played an integral part in elevating the status of dirt riding, street riding and video production throughout the early '90s and into the '00s. Mike was one of the first riders to really focus on the art of searching for spots, and for years, Mike traveled the world with his FBM and a video camera in search of elusive rails. Mike Tag's riding and filming has been featured in over a decade of FBM videos, as well as countless issues of Props, Road Fools and etnies "Forward". And Mike was the first rider to receive a signature frame from FBM, the Night Train.
To put it bluntly, Mike Tag's riding (and antics) influenced an entire generation of BMX.
Over the next few months, we plan on doing everything we can to help Mike through this difficult time, and we need everyone's support. That may include fundraising, and it might be something as simple as sending positive vibes Mike's way.
The important part is that Mike receives the proper medical care to beat this. If you can donate to the Mike Tag Fund and help a true BMX legend pay off his medical bills, we would greatly appreciate any help.
- Brian Tunney/ESPN
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