The Fifa World Cup is on its way. All teams have played once in their qualifying group and it can still go either way for all teams. The damn Germans won their second game in a typical German way (score 1-0 in the last minute). Let's see when they're running out of luck. Over the weekend we heard once again that the Americans don't know anything about football.
Steve van Doren (Vans' BBQ man) said they needed to start playing with a 3 feet skippy ball to you can see the ball better.
Brian Patch opted for 10 feet wider goals so there would be more scoring.
Neil Hendrix said that the USA are going to win the cup (haha).
Dennis McCoy said.... (well, DMC talks too much and we don't have room for his rants...).
Anyway, here's how the visitors of FATBMX voted.
On June 9th the world will turn upside down. It's the day the Fifa World Cup football starts. What country do you think is going to win the final? Brazil 21 % (187)
England 10 % (93)
Netherlands 8 % (71)
Germany 8 % (70)
USA 8 % (70)
The Underdog/other 7 % (66)
Australia 5 % (47)
Italy 4 % (36)
Argentina 4 % (35)
Mexico 3 % (34)
Czech Republic 3 % (34)
Spain 3 % (34)
France 3 % (30)
Portugal 2 % (25)
Sweden 1 % (13)
Croatia 1 % (9)
Japan 1 % (9)
Total Votes: 863 - Total Voters: 862 -
For the next poll we're taking it back to BMX riding:
What sort of riding do you like most: 1) Contests/races
2) Road trips/tours
3) Local sessions with friends
4) Demos/shows
Vote now in the column on your right.