Always wanted to know who did that sick rail in Rotterdam? Who did the hardest tricks on the curbs of Barcelona? Let everyone know you are the best by showing your tricks wherever you are? OWNR is here! OWNR is a website for BMX riders, skateboarders, and snowboarders that allows you to battle on every spot. Who does the best trick, and OWNS the spot?!
Tag a spot with GPS, upload your video and let others vote on your battles.. to OWN!
All your victories count for your local ranking.. who OWNS the most spots, and is the best in your area?!
Check out the first version of the site, explore spots and tricks and vote on the first battles with the likes of Dutch skaters
Douwe Macaré, Ricardo Paterno, Woody Hoogendijk, Faries Prins, Mike Anrooy, Nassim Guammaz and many others on spots in The Hague, Rotterdam, Barcelona and Malaga!