4 villages turned into Laarbeek, NL some years ago. With the villages only being a few miles apart and each one sporting a miniramp, it was time to hit all the ramps at once. The first edition took place in 2005 so this is the third edition of the Tour Dur Laarbeek. The tour kicks off in Mariahout at noon. After the contest there (BMX - Skateboarding - inline) the live band and all riders and staff jump in a few vehicles to go to the next spot (Lieshout). At 2pm the comp starts there on the miniramp with hip. At 4pm everyone meets at the ramp in Beek en Donk for a spine session and the day ends with a session on the miniramp in Aarle-Rixtel. 4 ramps in one day, it can and will be done. Everyone is welcome to join the fun. etnies Grounded premiere at OJA after the competition.
Contact Mike Smits (Ph. # 06-25-33-55-47) or Dennis Keunen (Ph. # 06-46-16-30-53) for more info.