My buddy Kris Swinburn from Moline welding took my idea and water jetted CANCER sucks into a sharp chain ring I had laying around NOS. I told Kris what I wanted and gave him free play and he came up with a cool design. Then I spent hours sanding the rough cast alum and polishing like a mirror. This chain ring is for Robbie when he shows the bike off.
Porkchopbmx donated his new chain ring set up that looks super sick and made in the USA for him to race with since it is about 5 times lighter then the sharp chain ring and still looks super sick on the bike
I decided in a change and needed some chrome forks, so Joe Hawk at Haro hooked me up with some Cliq race forks in chrome. We needed the extra bling!Shown is the yellow super cross race seat for racing but Robbie also has a super sick hand tooled leather one off Fu$k CANCER one coming from native bikes! Between the show seat, chain ring and the I kicked cancers ass custom onyx hubs, Robbie Chapman is now a bill board for kicking cancers ass and proving it can be done and you can still live life to its fullest. In racing there is no sitting in the bench!
All of us who helped with this build all hope to see Robbie on the podium real soon! His reports are the bike is super fast, super smooth, instant engagement silent and deadly! Enjoy it Robbie! Welcome to our family!
-Nick Ziegler
Pics by L.W. Riser / Nick Ziegler