The Superstar website is updated and redesigned. It's been online for 30 minutes now... 2008 stuff is now visible online and it will be possible to download the product catalogue very soon. New feature of the site is the frame comparator: 1 page to compare specs between New Deal and Light My Fire frame. Easier than switching from one page to another. Within 4 weeks, we'll add 2 more pages on the site: history of Superstar and another thing which is too complicated to explain now for me...

Also, a newer St-Martin website has been online for 4 weeks now, with 2008 stuff. Some of you might have seen it already. In the coming months we'll upgrade the St-Martin site to promote the brand in a better way. Come back frequently. Don't forget to read frequently the news on the Nature page (same page on Superstar and St-Martin websites). An open window on something else than BMX... Enjoy.
Med PS : Thanks to
Manu Massabova and
Eric Chancelier for making these websites (St-Martin and Superstar respectively).