It is possible now to register for the Braun CuZer tour. 25.000 Euros will be given out in this year's series. For you Americans, that's currently over $ 38.000,= USD for a three stop spine tour. Each event will award a total of 5.000 Euro and in addition the overall ranking will offer a total of 10.000 EUR. This year the two best scores out of the three contests count meaning you can go for an overall ranking with only doing two stops. Now show me them comps:
FISE - Montpellier (FRA) 2nd - 4th May 2008
NASS - Bath & West Show Ground - Somerset (UK) 13th - 15th June 2008
Suzuki BMX Masters - Cologne (GER) 4th - 6th July 2008

Follow the instructions on the
Braun CruZer Tour site
Photos by: Alex Schelbert