-Albert Moonen
JunkieJam 2.0 at the Junktrails coming this 9th of June. As you may know these aren’t really trails but one wooden trickjump (6 feet high, 10,5 feet radius) with a soft landing and an old school quarterpipe we cut down this time to 6,5 feet high (with 8 feet radius) Last year everybody had a blast trying so many new tricks on this setup so there had to be a sequel…..
The jump was liked by all last year so no changes there. The roller coming into the jump was giving some people a bit of a problem but in true BMX spirit people were helped and coached so at the end everybody was having a good time. This year we will reshape the roller so more emphasis can be put on pushing for hard and new tricks on the jump. Music will be played, free beers will be shared and the BBQ will be lit and again we hope to see a lot of people push their limits without injuries.
Thanx to everybody that is helping but especially DTX13, 0172INK and Paul’s Boutique BMX Hardware Store.
See you guys there, we are expecting to start around 13:00 and the closest know location is Kleiweg 500 in Rotterdam! (just follow the flyover of the tram and watch behind the pillar)
-Albert Moonen