Favourite food: chicken salad
Vegetarian, vegan or meat? meat and salad
Favourite drink: sam magel
Favourite music? anything from dance to Slayer
Favourite destinations / places visited: Ibiza for the vibe not riding and any where in Europe
Things that bug you: narrow minded people and rude people
Things you love: good weather, my family my girl Suzi and just having fun
What is your perfect day? wake up with Suzi, take the dog out for a walk down the beach, swim in the ocean for an hour, go to some good trails for the afternoon, eat some nice fresh greek salad, watching the sun go down
Top three non riding activities: relaxing with Suzi - working on my company - learning how to fly
One thing that probably nobody knows about you: I am a softy with only one person
Movies or books / favourites: get outside in the weather
Spray-on pants or Mc Hammer's: board shorts, fuck them both
Bruce Lee or Chuck Norris? Brad Pitt in Snatch
Any funny or incredible story happend to you: loads of both I could write a book

Heroes (bmx or not): my dad. I've never tried to be anyone else but me
If you could have dinner with anybody on the planet, who would it be and why? my granda because I never knew him
If you could have someone elses identity for a day, who would you be and why? none really
What character (role) in which movie you feel the closest to? no idea, some who fights a lot to stand for himself. Never take shit
Where are you in 10 years? hope with my chick flying my own plane around OZ
Favourite eastpak product/bag: bike bag
Best product ever invented: that thing I ride with to wheels, what's it called? [BMX]
Thanks or shout outs: my dad, my mam, Suzi, Andy Zeiss, Bart and Paul de Jong, Achim, Jon Taylor, Clint Millar, Carlo, Hitchcox, all the guys that I ride with on trips at comps and at home. Always just have fun that's all me. East coast Cali bro lol.