The June programming on World of X Games focuses on complementing contest coverage with unique stories from the world of action sports, including a look back at the Best of BMX, Moto X and Skateboarding competitions at the inaugural X Games Shanghai. Fans of Moto X will follow along with accomplished Moto X rider Jackson Strong as he prepares for X Games Minneapolis. Additionally, viewers will get up close and personal with drivers at the Score San Felipe 250 and The 2019 Mint 400, as well as some of the best surfers in the world on FREESURFER.
Best of BMX at X Games Shanghai 2019
Airs: 6/9 at 12:30 p.m. ET / 1 p.m. PT on ABC
X Games makes its debut in Shanghai at the International Tourism & Resorts Zone, featuring BMX competitions in Street and Big Air. The Best of BMX at X Games Shanghai show will provide fans a look back at highlights from the medalists at X Games Shanghai 2019.
The World of X Games features a variety of X Games and athlete-focused content. For the most updated schedule and information on World of X Games, go to Check local listings for additional details.