To participate please visit dcshoes.com/movember, which goes live November 1, where you can purchase the sandal and be a part of this global effort. Men can also register starting October 1 at movember.com and create a profile to feature their stache growing progress and collect donations for the Prostate Cancer Foundation
The month of Movember will conclude with Gala Parties in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, Chicago and Boston. The Ponto sandal will be available for purchase at the Gala events in San Diego and Los Angeles.
While growing a Mo is left to the men, Mo Sistas also form an important part of Movember by fundraising, recruiting Mo Bros to participate, and attending the highly anticipated Gala Parties.
How the ‘Mo’-vement Began Movember, an Australian non-profit organization, was born in 2003 when a couple of Australian mates were enjoying a beer at a small bar in Melbourne and decided two things – men’s health issues needed a forum and the moustache was in dire need of a comeback. Their goal was to create a campaign that joined like-minded individuals while raising money for charity and having fun along the way.
Since 2003, Movember has turned into a truly global movement. In 2007, Mo Bros and Mo Sistas in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand, and Spain joined their Aussie counterparts by participating in the campaign. Since Movember’s inception, almost 200,000 Mo Bros have sported a Mo and more than $29 million has been raised globally for prostate cancer research, including $740,568 raised in the United States last year. Movember is the biggest international event supporting prostate cancer.