need getting used to as they tend to be constricting. And also, lets face it, how many times have you fucked yourself up trying some shitty little stall or something that you thought would be fin\e with and didn't wear any protection as opposed to the times you've properly slammed but knew you were going big and chose your lid that morning, a lot more pain on the shitty stalls I bet!
I've been to A&E for messing up my back and all they did was give me some codeine and said “rest”, bullshit, I still remember that smarmy look he gave as soon as the doctor saw me, like he wanted to say, “stupid kid and his circus bike tricks”.
Another huge section of injuries from riding is the strains, I've messed up my ham string so many times it isn't even funny and it would be a lie if I said it didn't effect my riding and im sure you've rolled your ankle more times than you would like. But now when I go for anything the thought often cruises through my mind that I need to relax back on landing or I'll be stumbling home like a 60 year old crack fiend later. This all changed recently though, my girl moaned at me to get it sorted and my male pride was at a low ebb so I finally listened, oh and I was moving at the time so I was dreading picking up box after box all day.
So anyway I checked my local gyms for sports massages, stumbling in later that day, tried to explain what was wrong and just sounded like a squaddie on leave; only to walk out like I was going to an X-Factor audition.
Absolutely astounding, it was cheap as chips and he gave me loads of tips and tricks to sort it out and told me what was actually wrong, tight hamstrings or something. And he said it was probably all from simply landing with my back curved wrong a couple of times, that's all it took, Dodgy or what!! I'm not here to tickle your tits though, it's about as painful as getting a tattoo on your eyeball, they use their full weight to sort your muscles out but it is 132% worth it. All I can say is if you are unfortunate to bugger yourself truly, get on the painkillers, lie on your front to make your back bend the right way and drinking through, it takes the edge off considerably; I suggest either a wee dram which is a shot of water with anything that looks like it could be whisky or bourbon or even dark rum, oh and dark rum and ginger beer, can't go wrong.
Aaron Mossop