BMX Beat was a popular TV show broadcast on ITV from 1984 to 1987. Presented by Andy Ruffell and various co-hosts including Gaz Top (Gareth Jones), Alistair Pirrie and Ron Stebbene the show was broadcast Saturday mornings for 6 weeks. Featuring superstars Neil Ruffell RIP, Craig Campbell, Carlo Griggs, Billy Stupple, Stuart Winder, Mason Smith, Lee Reynolds, Dave Young, Mat Hoffman, Greg Guillotte, Regis Guadrot, Karl Denton and many more. It was one of the most popular shows on UK TV.
Name: Cash Matthews
Hometown: Shawnee, OK
Started riding BMX in: 1972
Like many in the very early days who could not afford a motorcycle, the bicycle was turned into a motorbike look-a-like. What were some of the things you did to reach that goal?
Cash Matthews: Like most, we made lots of cool 2-stroke motorcycle sounds with our mouths!! As our group of friends who rode progressed, we started riding “flat track” style in a circle. We emulated Kenny Roberts and my Uncle, Jerry Matthews who were all accomplished Flat Track Stars. I conned my uncle out of a number plate from his motorcycle so that was the first cool-mod of the Schwinn. As many Flat Track guys, we added cardboard, grip covers to save us from rocks and things that never really mattered but they looked cool. In those early days, just having a set of waffle grips was epic, so we began there,
Name: Raphael (Raf) Lawson
Hometown: Singleton NSW Australia, now living in Manchester, UK
Started riding BMX in: 1979
Number of bikes in the collection: Currently 4 down from 13
Does your collection represent your active time in BMX?
Raphael Lawson: Yes – Mongoose focused.
When you build a bike, do you need a special purpose for it?
Name: Scott Towne
Hometown: Otsego, Michigan, USA.
Started riding BMX in: 1977
Number of bikes in the collection: More than I need, less than I want. I don’t consider myself a “collector”. I’m a lifer. Old BMX bikes are something I have because they are part of my story. I could give a presentation on each bike that I have and why it means something to me. In fact, I just might start doing that. “It’s all in the presentation” after all.
The first pic I ever saw of some over tweaking something was Todd Anderson, who at that point in time-1985-was riding for Redline. I picked up a magazine in a mock 711 next to Faze 7 BMX centre in Waltham Cross, Todd was cranking a twisted lookback with his feet on the cranks arms, and his front wheel hitting his shin, I'd never seen this before, until that point a pic of a look back was anything with bars passed 90 degrees and the back end high.
Name: Stu Thomsen
Started riding in: 1972 (I Think)
Teams represented: Three Majors: SE, Redline and Huffy.
Some of the smaller and short term teams were: Dirt Master, Webco, DG, FMF, Motobecane (One Weekend), my bike shop (Stu Thomsen’s Family Bicycle Center), Southridge Cycles (on MTB and BMX). A short stent back on Redline and now representing SE again.
What was the first bike you used to ride Bicycle Motocross?
Stu Thomsen: Schwinn Stingray
In 1973, what were people using at the first few races you entered?
Stu Thomsen: Modified Stingray type bikes and a few custom garage builds by ingenious fathers.
You've seen the BMX bike development firsthand. What kind of full suspension bikes did you get to ride?
Stu Thomsen: I had a custom made Monoshock bike I would race now and then at the Corona downhill
In today's video Phu Vu ( / _epicbmx ) gives us some quick tips on how to restore this vintage Redline BMX Bike!
Name: Jason Van Buskirk
Hometown: Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA
Started riding BMX in: 1979
Number of bikes in the collection: 30+
Dutch roots by any chance?
Jason Van Buskirk: Yes, my Heritage is Dutch, however, I am born and raised in the U.S.
Is your focus on BMX bikes from the period you raced in mainly?
Jason van Buskirk: Yes, I tend to collect bikes from the late '70s To mid '80s... Probably 1987 being the latest. I do have a couple '90s bikes, but that's not the era I enjoy collecting the most.
Name: Tommy Yaley
Hometown: Mtn View. California
Started riding BMX in: 1974ish
Number of bikes in the collection: 9
Do you remember the moment that you decided to start collecting BMX memorabilia?
Tommy Yaley: About 7 years ago I decided I wanted to re-create the 1st Gen proline I had when I was a kid. I sold a bunch of my music gear collection and then, like everyone else, it took off from there. Just one more bike...