Here's an update from Raymon van der Biezen himself. The clip showing his dedicated can be watched after the break. "My wrist is getting better, because the doctor told me I could use my left arm again… January 2nd I had to go back to the hospital to check for the recovery of my wrist. Fortunately the doctor had some good news: they could see bone growing at the most important spot in my wrist, so that means I was allowed to start using my left arm again slowly.
Right now I’m working with the physiotherapists everyday. We have a long way to go before I can move my wrist like it should be and the improvement is going slowly, but it’s a start. I can do things already that I didn’t expect, like doing sprints on my BMX… It will take some time before I can ride the BMX track again, because the wrist is still too painful to hit the jumps and I can just hold on my handlebars during sprints. My goal is to race the first World Cup in the US at the end of March."
-Raymon van der Biezen
Officially sponsored by: NOC*NSF, KNWU, Redline, Rabobank. New York Pizza, TroyLeeDesigns, Shimano, PRO, Bensink, Sun Ringlé, Tioga, De Champignonsspecialist, Leatt, Oakley, BES&T, HVMparts, Jack Martens Tweewielers, Health Center Nistelrode, Bouwbedrijf Berghege, Oké wax, Vans.