Last advice you got from your coach: 'relax, do what you normally do and enjoy it'
Last rider who cut you off or made you crash: Liam Phillips
Last big injury: broken wrist and snapped unla and radius. Had to have pins, plates and screws.
Last time you raced your favourite track: Chula vista world cup back in March.

Last time you scared yourself jumping a big double: Papendal SX jumping the Hip jump over the women's straight.. Let's just say it was bigger than I anticipated ;)
Last indoor race you liked: Norway SX world cup. Loved it!
Last Stupid idea you had: I have several a day so not really sure.
Last email you received: Training programme of my coach.

Last flight you took: coming back home from Norway after the world cup.
Last nice dinner you had: Last night in wagamammas
Last flat tire you got: yesterday when training in London
Last time you scored points for your nation: Norway SX world cup round.
Last words: Thanks to Marco my sponsor- StayStrong, to my dad and family for all the support and help. Big thanks to my girlfriend for everything she does to make sure I can perform at my best, and always being understanding. Last but not least my coach Marcus Bloomfield :)