Warren McDow – A Pro – Solution Pro Plus – Warren is also coming back to the track after a long hiatus. In his first race back, McDow looked a bit rusty but still had his trademark first straight pull. Warren had a nice podium finish on Saturday and was on his way to a win on Sunday, but he slid out in the first turn, another McDow patented move! Just kidding McD, you know we got you man!
Alise Post – Women’s Pro – Solution Pro Minus Hybrid – Alise came into the race with a healthy points lead in her bid to a sophomore year repeat of her #1 Pro title. All day long on Saturday she felt like she was having some difficulty don the first and last straights with none of her usual first straight power. Saturday she still made the podium with a respectable third place finish. Just before mains on Sunday, during some routine bike maintenance, it was discovered that instead of running the 15 rear cog that she normally ran, she was actually running a 16, a crazy small gear! After throwing on the correct setup, Alise went on to win 2 of her 3 mains but a crash in the third kept her from the top of the podium and she had to settle for a second. Alise will be back at the ABA Salt Lake race, this time with the correct gear!
Tim Dinger – Vet Pro – Solution Pro XL – Dinger had a sort of homecoming in Rockford, having lived in the area for years. This time he came back as a full fledged Formula / Monster / Fly Factory rider to do the hometown fans proud. Dinger had a crash first round main on Saturday and had to settle for a 6th. Sunday, same deal and settled for 7th. Dinger is still in third place in NBL Elite Master’s points, and look for him at the World Championships in Canada.
Andre Norles – 13 Expert – Solution Expert Plus – Norles made the trip from Kansas City to show some Mid west pride and give the locals someone to cheer. In one of the more controversial races of the weekend, Andre grabbed himself a podium finish with a nice second place on Sunday to match his third place from Saturday.