-Favourite Race: Indoor St. Etienne with the french crowd
-Food: Burrito / Pizza
-Gym: Magglingen Baspo
-Person on Instagram: All the sport news
-Travel destination: USA so far
-People to ride with: Mostly with my training buddy Cedric Butti
-Trainer/Coach: Doing things on my own
-Pump track: Don‘t ride them
-Car: Don‘t have my own car, would be nice to have a Mercedes tho
-Movie: More a series kind of guy
-Mechanic: My dad
-Colour: Red
-Shoes: Nike AF1
-Bike company: Wiawis
-Bike shop: speedhouse.ch
-Restaurant chain: Chipotle in the US
-Clothing company: Siksilk
-Phone: Apple
-Music: Pop
-Elite Men racer: Sylvain André
-Elite Woman racer: Zoé Claessens
-Most skilled rider: Renaud Blanc
-Former racer: Sam Willoughby
-Drink: Sparkling water
-Gate pick: Inside guy
-Website: YouTube
-BMX race announcer/speaker: Hampi Vogel
-Video game: Fifa
-Photographer: Nico van Dartel
-Girl: My gf Vanessa
-Sport besides BMX: Watching F1 & Soccer
- Party: Still waiting for that great BMX afterparty haha