-Bottom Bracket set: Demolition
-Pedals: Demolition PC Pedal
-Seatpost clamp: Integrated
-Seatpost: Demolition
-Seat: Demolition D Seat
-Front tire: Demolition Machete
-Front rim: Demolition Zero
-Front hub: Demolition Phantom
-Rear rim: Demolition Zero
-Rear tire: Demolition Momentum
-Rear hub: Demolition Rogue
-Hub guards: None
-Pegs: None
Weight: Honestly, I have no idea. Whatever weight it is feels great though!
As a guy who used to race, did you get stuck riding a longer frame with a longer rear end?
Kris: Nope, not at all. I run the SE Heavy Hitter frame the way it comes with my wheel in the center of the drop outs.

Kris: I rode trails and park for a good chunk of my life as well, so the change was really easy. I’ve never stressed the weight of my bike once, so that was not too much of a issue ether. As long as my front end feels right, I’m good with it.
What happened to the 44-16?
Kris: If I ever happen to ride a track I might put a 44-16 on. But for now, a 25-9 is my gear of choice.
Who are some of the people who hook you up with parts when you need them?
Kris: I got put on Demolition flow about a month ago, so I am getting parts from those guys. I am super thankful because it’s a company I've always been a huge fan of and all their stuff is super dialed. I put my new bike together in about 20 minutes because their stuff is so easy to work with.

Do you clean your bike when it's dirty?
Kris: Of course! It’s a proven fact that a clean bike helps you ride better.
How does it feel to ride for a company with so much BMX history?
Kris: It feels great! It’s cool to think that I ride for a company that has been around in the industry as long as SE has. Working with the Wildman is really cool too. He helps me out a lot, did backflips in races, and the company itself is making strides everyday to fit our “new school” needs while still keeping their “old school” roots. I really enjoy being a part of their program.

Kris: I like to ride my bars pushed forward a tad, nothing too crazy.
Thanks to: Todd Lyons at SE Bikes, Brian Castillo at Demolition Parts, Ryan Smith & Jeremy Hanna at Sullen Clothing, Shane Guillen at Da Compound Ramp Park, Ryan Brennan at Team Soil, Dylan Pfohl, Brian Johnson, Matt Lee, Joey & Matt Cordova, Matt Lingo, my team mates, friends (you know who you are), and anyone that has helped me along the way! Thank you! I also want to say R.I.P Thomas Hancock, I'll never forget you my dude!